Yes, it's that time of year again! I've come through another whole 12 months during which I've saved up golden nuggets of priceless information, especially for you( Priceless because they won't accept them at Cash 4 Gold). You lucky, lucky devil.
...Or I've not given this post any thought whatsoever until today, the day after my 29th birthday, and I've sat down to share whatever mulch I can squeeze out of my head (lush). I've had a week off work, so the contents of my head have been diluted by Budweiser and day naps. Here goes....something!
1. Budweiser tastes better when it comes out of a bottle with a screw top. I don't know why. Maybe that's a fact for me to share next year.
2. Running for months on end on a sore foot doesn't "toughen it up." This is a strategy for idiots. My brain, it turns out, was giving me alternative facts.
3. Speaking of alternative facts... Next level alternate dimension shit does occasionally happen. We live in a reality where a toupee wearing, baby handed man with no political experience is farting out terrible decisions from a mouth that looks like an anus is in charge of all of 'Murica. #whereisdoctorwhowhenyouneedhim
4. 29 is not too old to get that Blink 182 tattoo you've wanted ever since you had a constellation of spots and wore eyeliner blacker than your soul (so...this morning, then?):
* Andy Price Vlogs: if you want to see me duck out of shot in several weeks' worth of videos =)
...Or I've not given this post any thought whatsoever until today, the day after my 29th birthday, and I've sat down to share whatever mulch I can squeeze out of my head (lush). I've had a week off work, so the contents of my head have been diluted by Budweiser and day naps. Here goes....something!
1. Budweiser tastes better when it comes out of a bottle with a screw top. I don't know why. Maybe that's a fact for me to share next year.
2. Running for months on end on a sore foot doesn't "toughen it up." This is a strategy for idiots. My brain, it turns out, was giving me alternative facts.
3. Speaking of alternative facts... Next level alternate dimension shit does occasionally happen. We live in a reality where a toupee wearing, baby handed man with no political experience is farting out terrible decisions from a mouth that looks like an anus is in charge of all of 'Murica. #whereisdoctorwhowhenyouneedhim
4. 29 is not too old to get that Blink 182 tattoo you've wanted ever since you had a constellation of spots and wore eyeliner blacker than your soul (so...this morning, then?):
*endless squealing and heart emojis*
Yes, I am aware that with a heart tattoo and a movie quote on the same arm, my body is starting to resemble my secondary school notebooks. No, I shan't be laminating myself.
5. It is possible to discover that you are very very much a "dog person"rather than a cat person as you'd originally believed. This knowledge comes after becoming the proud pet parent of a big-eyed, poop eating squish monster from the land of Cute. I mean...after becoming a responsible dog owner. HAVE YOU SEEN MY DOG?? HE IS THE COOLEST DOG IN THE WORLD AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, AND, just....
6. Guided meditation (see Headspace app - is v.g) is magical, especially if you're alert. If no, you still win because you get to have a little snooze in the name of zen. Am so spiritual now.
7. Crossfit has changed both my physical shape (I have actual arms now, as opposed to floppy toothpicks) and brain. I no longer wish to be Beyonce (wouldn't turn down the offer to become her if it arose still, though. Am not crazy), but instead pine over being a Davidsdottir or a Leblanc-Bazinet. If unsure, do a Google image search. But only after you've read this, because you'll disappear down a rabbit hole of impressive muscles and tiny shorts that you won't want to be rescued from.
8. Putting a deposit down for a house does not make you feel more grown up. It makes you feel more like a lady baby than ever because what do I do when the heating packs in? What if I set it on fire by accident? Do I have to start opening post addressed to "the home owner" now? What if someone steals it from me in the night? Like, the whole house? What if???
9. You can only put on so much weight before you have to stop accepting friends' reassurances that "It's probably just muscle from all that going to the gym that you do." If there is such a thing as a muffin top muscle, mine is in fantastic shape.
10. Since A started making Youtube videos, I've learned that I turn into a duck voiced weirdo with the posture of a velocoraptor when a camera is pointed at me. Or I look like that anyway and have only just realised.
Nah. I choose denial. It's the camera.*
11. Unless I'm drunk, it is now nearly impossible for me to stay awake after 10.30pm. Or wake up after 8am. My body clock has either reversed into "small child" mode or "pensioner" settings.
12. Middle Sis is queen of buying gifts that both warm the heart and insult. Case in point:
Cheers, pal
13. There is a tipping point where the effort it takes to get drunk (3 day hang overs, wild mood swings & the need to sleep into the next ice age the following day) starts to outweigh the fun of it. The see saw I'm on is not going the way I'd like it to. Boo hiss.
14. These annual lists are getting so long that there is a new need to "refuel" with "brain food" part way through it. Golden syrup on toast if you're interested.
15. The Harry Potter books are SO chuffing GOOD and if you stop at book 4 as a teenager because you've decided you're "too cool" for them, then you're wrong. Dead wrong. FYI, your favourite trousers are luminous pink flares. You're not too cool for anything, little buddy.
16. Nikes and Heavenly Feet are the only shoe brands you need. Ever. Also Doc Martens, but you're too poor to buy those right now, and if you try to break a new pair in, your already battered foot may well finally fall off.
17. It is possible to cut your own fringe and not be ridiculed as long as you don't grab the whole thing and lop straight through it like you used to.
18. A moustache looks frighteningly natural on me.
It's like looking at Hulk Hogan's sexy younger brother, isn't it?
19. 28 is a big number of things to think up a list of stuff for. No, I'm not stalling or filling up space for the sake of it. Fine, you write it instead if it's so bloody easy!
20. I must practice patience. Maybe should stay awake for longer whilst listening to Headspace...
21. Binning things is great! I have thrown most of my current house away in readiness to move into the new one within the next couple of months. I'm practically besties with the guys at the local rubbish tip now, and chucking out clutter makes me feel all clean inside. Until we actually need something.
"Beck, have you seen the coasters/spatula/entire book case?"
22. Dogs are like tattoos. You can't stop at one. I have big plans to get a little sidekick for Jesse. I firmly feel that he needs a tiny chihuahua body guard because HOW FREAKING CUTE WOULD THAT BE?? I could buy him a little "security" t shirt and...when did I become this person?
23. Audio books and podcasts are the absolute balls. I can't walk the dog, go anywhere in my car or generally leave the house without being told a story or learning something about how my brain works. I need a constant supply. I couldn't name more than one person in the charts right now (one person is Justin Beiber/Bieber... Is that right? Am I hip now?), but I can reel off pop psychology factoids and anecdotes that aren't actually mine like a crap Yoda.
24. It isn't enough for me to be a bit of a deaf bird. I now own glasses and a hearing aid, but there is only so much space behind my right ear, so I have to choose whether I would prefer sight or hearing at any given moment. Ooh! Or I need to invest in a monocle! Where can I get a good monocle? Does anyone still make those?
25. All of the movies have now been made. Everything produced from here on in are going to be reboots and/or remakes. Not all of them good. I wanted to like Ghostbusters so badly...*sniff*
26. Taking a Facebook hiatus doesn't turn you into the clear headed workaholic you secretly believe lives underneath all the procrastinating. It just makes you miss Facebook a lot. Facebook is king. All hail Facebook.
27. Hoarding pretty notebooks because "you might need them for something" is a worthy hobby.
28. After your mid twenties, it's a good idea to keep back at least a quarter of your salary for Yankee candles. You don't know why you need the smell of "fluffy towels" and angel's tears in your home at all times. You just do.
Yeah, I struggled to come up with that many things.... I think on my next "Wise, Wise Wisdoms" post, I might just have to post a picture of me shrugging with the caption I dunno, I forgot! Underneath it. I hope that this year's wisdome are...umm...useful?
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